Membership Opportunities

Interested in the WCOM and possibly joining us? 

Here’s what you need to know:


The best way to find out what we do in the Woman’s Club of the Midlands is to visit one of our meetings or events. We welcome guests with no pressure or obligation to join.  In fact, one of our requirements for new members is that they attend at least 2 meetings and/or WCOM events before applying for membership.


When you decide you want to join in our mission of serving the community, we have a simple application form. It can be filled out and submitted online, or you can request an application be mailed to you by contacting us at Once completed, it will be given to our 2nd Vice President/Membership Chair. Please note that New Member dues of $45 are required with membership.

Club Vote

Our Membership Chair will forward your application to all active  active members of our club. If there are any questions, the Membership Chair will let you know. A confidential vote will be taken via email. You will then be contacted with the results.


Once you become a member, you will have full privileges, such as voting, joining a committee, eligibility to hold offices, being a part of GFWC and GFWC South Carolina, and many more! At the beginning of each year, members pay $40 annual dues to remain active. Our club meets the 2nd Thursday of each month September – May. We also meet for service projects, fundraising events, and socials. We enjoy each other as we work towards common goals. 

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