Woman's Club of the Midlands Membership ApplicationPlease enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name: *FirstLastAddress: *City/State/Zip Code: * I leadership, before? Email: *Phone Number:Birthday (Month/Day):Sponsored By:(WCOM Club Member who invited you to join.)Have you ever been a GFWC member before? If so, please list club name and years:I'm interested in being on the following Committee:Health & WellnessEducation & LibrariesCivic Engagement & OutreachMembership Outreach CommitteeFundraising CommitteeI have attended: *2 WCOM Club Meetings1 WCOM Club Meeting + 1 WCOM EventI have not attended at least 2 WCOM meetings and/or events. (Membership Application will be held until this requirement is met.)I want to join the WCOM because:Special skills/talents/gifts I can offer (ex. organization, planning events, mentoring, decorating, social media, leadership, etc.):I enjoy the following pasttimes/hobbies:My spouse or significant other (if applicable):Tell us about your kids, grandkids, or pets (optional):New Member Dues:I have already submitted paymentI am mailing a check to WCOM Treasurer, P.O. Box 294, Pelion SC 29123I will bring payment to the next scheduled club meetingNew Member Dues are $45.00, regardless of what month a person joins. Please note, regardless of results of the vote, membership is not official until dues are paid.Submit